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Ads by google at last…

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Today I had the “honor” of viewing the web advertisements by Google on my blog at
Yeah I am talking about this very blog. I searched my blog through Google and the page I visited had a simple half – banner ad on it but the custom ad matched the blog theme very well and it didn’t seem odd as ads on other websites does.
Wordpress does deploy Google ads on public blogs at to cover their costs, but they do it occasionally.

It is the first time I have ever seen an ad on a subdomain.

Written by admin

July 19, 2009 at 12:25 pm

Time Delay in Publishing

leave a comment » publishing takes a longer rime than usual.

I tried publishing a post by adding new categories and reload the page twice but to no avail.

Maybe the servers are having a hard time at automattic headquarters.

I faced the same problem earlier too. and i checked my internet speed etc. by simultaneously working on other websites like blogger too.

But publishing a post at does take some time.

Maybe it’s just matter of time, overload during a particular day time.

With NaBloPoMo going on it must be difficult for the servers at

Written by admin

July 16, 2009 at 5:31 am